The Ultimate Rome Travel Guide [Statistics, Tips & Tricks Included]

Luke Iles – Uploaded 17.09.2023

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rome travel guide

Rome, the Eternal City, is a place that feels as magical as it does ancient with its rich history just oozing out of every crack and crevice as you stroll the streets.

Every cobblestone seems to whisper tales from centuries gone by, inviting you to become a part of its ever-evolving story. As a past visitor, I can assure you that to immerse yourself fully, simply stroll with an open heart and keen eyes, ready to embrace the mesmerising blend of the old and the new.

Rome is a unique city that is easily accessible by foot, bus and metro meaning that on every corner of the city that you explore, you are greeted with another incredible piece of architecture or history not to mention a world-famous restaurant and gelateria on every street too!

If you love incredible food, drink, history and art, Rome will feel like a place you could call home. Throughout this travel guide, we will provide you with a plethora of knowledge including tips, tricks and even exclusive statistics from an experienced traveller who has explored almost every single street in Rome so that when it comes to your turn to visit Rome, you are fully prepared for everything.

rome city skyline at dusk

Where is Rome?

Firstly we need to provide a bit of background on where Rome is situated as there is no good in planning to visit a city when you don’t even know where it is! Rome, the capital city of Italy, sits nestled in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, along the shores of the Tiber River. Known as the “Eternal City”, Rome boasts a rich history as the former capital of the Roman Empire and the spiritual centre of the Catholic Church.

This historic city beautifully marries its ancient past with the vibrant present, offering a unique blend of historical sites, art, and modern culture, making it a must-visit destination for travellers from around the world. It’s a sprawling, cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of globally influential art, architecture, and culture on display, encapsulating the very essence of the rich tapestry that is Italian history and culture. In my opinion, Rome is one of the best locations in Italy and a bucket list destination that everyone needs to visit.

7 best things to do in Rome

Everyone says that Rome wasn’t built in a day and although that may be true, it is also a fact that you won’t be able to visit all of Rome in a day either. As a traveller who spent almost two weeks in Rome, even that wasn’t enough to see all the attractions and iconic landmarks that I hoped to visit. So much so that I had to go back for a second time and still didn’t see everything that I wanted to see!

There is seriously so much to do and see in Rome and we haven’t even covered the food and drink yet. Therefore it is pivotal that you plan your itinerary and prioritise the main attractions that you want to see. Be prepared not to see everything too and ensure that what you really want to visit is put first then everything else is second.

Also don’t jam pack too much into one day as you will be exhausted, particularly if you are visiting in the summer when Rome can get up to 40 degrees in heat! One word of advice, you don’t want to be climbing the Palatine Hill in that weather and that’s something we learnt the hard way last summer!

That being said, if you are unsure of what Rome actually has to offer or are stuck on the best things to do in Rome, here is a list of seven of the best attractions that you need to visit in Rome.

1. Colosseum

colosseum at night

Embarking on a journey to the eternal city would feel somewhat incomplete without stepping into the historic Colosseum, a testament to Rome’s imperial grandeur. It’s more than just an ancient amphitheatre; it’s a canvas that paints a vivid picture of Rome’s glorious yet brutal past. You might feel an eerie sense of being a spectator in the grand events that took place centuries ago, watching gladiators fight to the death, while the roar of the crowd still echoes in the backdrop. Oh, and let’s not forget, a ticket to the Colosseum also offers you access to both the Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum, so make sure to carve out sufficient time to soak it all in.

There’s something about walking on the same stones where history was scripted that is both humbling and exhilarating. While the structure itself is a marvel, the local guides add layers to the experience with their tales spun from history and folklore. A little tip? Beat the crowd by opting for an early morning visit, allowing you to have a quiet moment with history, accompanied by the soft glow of the morning sun. And don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes, because exploring this monumental site is an adventure in itself.

2. Palatine Hill & Roman Forum

roman forums in the day

If the Colosseum was the entertainment hub of ancient Rome, the Palatine Hill & Roman Forums were where the pulsating heart of the vibrant society resided. While wandering amidst the ruins, one can almost hear the whispers of the Roman elites discussing politics, philosophy, and art. As you stroll through, imagine the majestic palaces and gardens that once graced this area, housing emperors and aristocrats in their luxurious confines. The stunning view of the city from the hill is a visual treat that’s interspersed with narratives of power, beauty, and innovation.

Engaging with the local guides here is akin to having a casual conversation with a learned friend, who not only tells tales but also involves you in them, making history come alive. They might also point you to the best spots to capture some picturesque photographs. A local secret? Visit during the late afternoon, when the golden hues of the sunset breathe a different kind of life into the ruins.

3. Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

sistine chapel ceiling

The smallest country in the world, the Vatican is a place full of history and unbelievable artwork. Stepping into the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel is like being enveloped in a realm of divine artistry and spiritual resonance. Your heart might skip a beat as you witness the grandeur of St. Peter’s Basilica or get engulfed in the intricate narratives painted across the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling by Michelangelo. This place isn’t just a museum; it’s a journey through the corridors of time, showcasing the zenith of human creativity and devotion.

During your visit, remember to pace yourself to truly appreciate the art and craftsmanship adorning every corner. And here’s a friendly tip, booking your tickets online can save you from the long queues that are a common sight here. I recommend booking an early bird tour with a guide so you get exclusive access to the Vatican Museums and St Peter Basilica meaning you won’t be mobbed by the huge crowds which start lining the streets at 9 am. Furthermore, you get to skip all the ques too! A tour guide can also weave the intricate tales behind the masterpieces, offering a rich and deep understanding of the place. And don’t forget to make a stop at the Vatican’s post office to send a postcard; it’s a little tradition that makes the experience even more personal and memorable.

4. Castel Sant’Angelo

castel sant angelo atndusk

Perched majestically alongside the Tiber River, the Castel Sant’Angelo is a splendid portrayal of Roman architecture and history. Once a mausoleum, a fortress, and even a papal residence, its layers of history unfold as you wander through its corridors. As you ascend to the top, each level offers a different perspective, both historically and visually. The panoramic view of Rome from the terrace is indeed a sight to behold, with the city’s skyline stretching as far as the eye can see.

I recommend taking an evening stroll down the adjacent bridge, Ponte Sant’Angelo, adorned with mesmerising statues of angels. The golden hour casts a magical glow on the edifice, creating an experience that feels surreal yet grounded in its historic roots. Not to mention it is a great spot to get Instagram-worthy photos to post on your timeline! A culinary tip? Savour a gelato from one of the nearby vendors as you soak in the ambience, a perfect blend of historical exploration and delightful indulgence.

5. Borghese Gallery & Museum

borghese gallery inside

Art aficionados or not, a visit to the Borghese Gallery and Museum is a melody of visual and emotional resonance. Nestled within the lush Villa Borghese gardens, the gallery is home to an exquisite collection of art and sculpture that speaks volumes about the Renaissance and Baroque periods. From Bernini’s captivating sculptures to Caravaggio’s dramatic paintings, each room is a narrative woven with threads of artistic excellence and innovation.

When planning your holiday, remember to book your tickets in advance as the gallery limits the number of visitors to preserve the art’s sanctity. Also, make time to wander in the Villa Borghese gardens that surround the gallery, where you can enjoy a serene boat ride in the pond or simply stroll amidst nature’s embrace.

6. Trevi Fountain

trevi fountain at night

Amidst the bustling streets of Rome, the Trevi Fountain stands as an oasis of artistry and tranquillity. As you approach, the sound of cascading waters might serenade your senses before the sight of the majestic sculpture truly captures your heart. Legend has it that throwing a coin over your left shoulder with your right hand promises a return to this magical city. The intricate sculptures and the azure waters create a spectacle that feels like poetry in stone, a place where art meets tradition in a harmonious embrace.

When visiting, try to choose an early morning or late evening hour to avoid the crowds and truly appreciate the fountain’s beauty in a somewhat private setting. And here’s a little gastronomic tip – treat yourself to a sumptuous Italian breakfast in one of the nearby cafes, or indulge in gelato in the evening, making your visit a delightful blend of sight and taste. When I visited Rome, we tended to visit the Trevi Fountain every night after food and drink on the way back to the apartment. We would typically buy a gelato or alcoholic drink from one of the nearby shops or bars and then sit and watch the Trevi Fountain flow in all its glory. At night it is a sight to behold with the best time to visit being around 1 am where the crowds are minimal meaning you can sit and relax or take some exclusive Instagram selfies that no one else will have!

7. Pantheon

pantheon at night

Last but certainly not least, the Pantheon stands as a beacon of architectural brilliance and historical significance in the heart of Rome. This ancient temple-turned church, with its majestic dome and the ethereal shaft of light that filters through the oculus, presents a celestial spectacle that connects the earthly with the divine. Its grand portico and colossal Corinthian columns narrate tales of a civilization that thrived on excellence and innovation.

A visit to the Pantheon is like a dialogue with history, where each stone and artwork resonates with tales from the past. To enhance your experience, engage with a local guide who can share anecdotes and insights that make the Pantheon come alive in a new light. Before leaving, make sure to enjoy a meal at one of the nearby restaurants where you can savour traditional Roman delicacies, adding a delightful touch to your historic exploration. A little tip? Visit during a rainy day to witness the incredible sight of rain falling through the oculus, a spectacle that adds a magical touch to the historic edifice. Furthermore, although it used to be free to enter the Pantheon it now costs 5€ so make sure you book your tickets in advance.

8 things you should know about Rome before visiting

When it comes to visiting Rome there are some things that you should be aware of before visiting the city because much like other big, touristy cities there are some major do’s and don’ts that if you know them can lead to you having a more fulfilling and enjoyable holiday.

1. Plan your priorities

When visiting Rome there is so much to see and do that it can become overwhelming. That being said, if you plan an itinerary you can scope out all the most important attractions you want to visit and have a rough idea of what you are looking to achieve each day. When I visited Rome, I would plan one big attraction (such as the Colosseum or Vatican Museums) I wanted to see each day, allowing time for me to wander and explore different parts of the city at the same time. This way I didn’t have to panic about missing anything and have to rush around Rome.

2. Visiting the Vatican City

The Vatican City is a major attraction when visiting Rome, however to avoid wasting your time and ensuring that you have an enjoyable experience, there are some pivotal things that you must consider when choosing to visit the Vatican.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are typically the quietest days with Wednesday and Sunday being the busiest days to visit the Vatican due to the Pope’s gathering. One thing to note is that if you plan on visiting the Vatican on a Wednesday, St Peter Basilica will be closed to the public so it is best to avoid that day completely. 

I seriously recommend booking a guided tour to visit the Vatican if you want to see everything peacefully. Especially the skip-the-line tours which offer a complete tour and not a rushed experience allowing you to visit the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and the St Peter Basilica. Also if you are looking to find the best view in Rome don’t forget to book the extra dome climb that allows you to get a 360 view of Rome from the top, definitely worth the money.

vatican city skyline

3. Use the metro

Making the most of the great and affordable options in Rome is the ultimate way to travel around Rome, especially if you have had enough of walking for the day! Similar to London but on a smaller scale, there are Rome metro stations located near every major monument and attraction making it the best way to get around. I recommend getting a day pass if you have a hectic itinerary for that day and need to get around the city quickly. That being said, Rome as a city is easily walkable and with different surprises on every corner, it is definitely worth taking a wander around and seeing what you stumble across!

4. Use the public taps for water

Making the most of the great and affordable options in Rome is the ultimate way to travel around Rome, especially if you have had enough of walking for the day! Similar to London but on a smaller scale, there are Rome metro stations located near every major monument and attraction making it the best way to get around. I recommend getting a day pass if you have a hectic itinerary for that day and need to get around the city quickly. That being said, Rome as a city is easily walkable and with different surprises on every corner, it is definitely worth taking a wander around and seeing what you stumble across!

rome public water taps in the street

5. Bring around covered clothing

Although Rome is extremely hot in the summer, reaching up to 40 degrees when I visited this summer, it is important knowing that you will be refused entry to certain monuments and religious places if you are not dressed appropriately.

Therefore if you are a male, I would not recommend wearing a vest or super short shorts as this will more than likely leave you to being refused entry to religious buildings such as churches or the Vatican. For women, I would recommend not wearing clothes that showcase too much skin. It is often recommended to wear dresses that go below the knee too.

That being said, if you do want to stay cool and wear what you want, simply bring spare clothes such as a jacket and other articles of clothing which you can wear before entering these buildings. Then once you leave you can remove them and enjoy the sun once more.

6. Know that you will not see everything

As mentioned previously, Rome has so much to do and see that you will not get to visit everything even if you are spending more than two weeks in the city, there will still be more to see!

This is why you should plan your trip accordingly and ensure that you plan to visit all the areas you want to see but don’t be disappointed if you can’t visit everything. Just be prepared and know that you won’t be able to do everything in one, two or three days so don’t over stretch and book in too many activities in one day.

The most you can do in one day is two major attractions per day, for example, visiting the Vatican in the early morning and then visiting the Colosseum in the late afternoon. That being said, if you do plan to do this you will be incredibly exhausted! Furthermore, you won’t get to take your time and appreciate everything in each area so make sure you consider this factor too.

rome exploration

7. Pre-book tickets online

From June to August it is the high season in Rome, meaning the already busy city becomes even more jam-packed full of tourists. What this means is that when it comes to visiting any major attraction, booking in advance is a great way to ensure you are not left disappointed.

Tickets typically get released 2 months prior to major attractions such as the Colosseum and Vatican Museum therefore you should plan to book tickets online if you want to secure a visit at a certain time and date. That being said, tours can also sell out quickly so don’t rely on this factor either. I would highly recommend choosing a guided tour as not only do you get exclusive access, and skip hour-long queues for attractions but you also don’t have to worry about finding and paying for tickets either.

8. Plan your travel budget

Although Rome is the capital city of Italy and one of the most tourist cities in the whole of Europe, when it comes to prices it is on the lower scale compared to other major European destinations. For example, some of the best food you have ever tasted in your life may only cost you what a classic Tesco meal deal or Greggs bacon sandwich would cost you back home! Not to mention affordable accommodation, transport and groceries too.

Make sure you plan a budget and stick to it too. Do research on the prices for everything and then factor that against your entire travel budget, This will give you a great idea of whether you can afford to visit Rome.

Fortunately, you will not need to go away and do any research at all when it comes to budgets as we have built a comprehensive guide below on prices of everything in Rome from accommodation to food and activities. Carry on reading below to learn more!

travel budget

Is Rome expensive to visit?

When it comes to visiting Rome, one of the most important things to consider is the cost of your trip. From the price of accommodation to the cost of food and drink, we will explore every little detail so that you can plan ahead and consider whether visiting Rome is an affordable option for your next trip to Italy.

Accommodation Prices

average price of airbnb in rome compared to other major european cities

How do Rome Airbnb prices compare to major European cities?

Rome is the third cheapest major European city to stay in. Rome has the third cheapest Airbnb cost per night with the average cost of an Airbnb in Rome being £210 per night.

In terms of accommodation prices, this puts Rome just above Athens and Budapest as the third cheapest European city to stay in.


  • Rome is the third cheapest major European city to stay in with the average cost of an Airbnb being £210 per night. 


  • Amsterdam Airbnb prices are 63.48% times more expensive per night than in Rome (Amsterdam = £575 per night vs Rome = £210 per night).


  • Rome Airbnb prices are 28.57% more expensive than Athens per night (Rome = £210 per night vs Athens = £150 per night).


  • An Airbnb in Rome is typically cheaper than choosing to stay in Amsterdam, Paris, London, Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna and Lisbon.


  • An Airbnb in Rome is typically more expensive than choosing to stay in Athens or Budapest.


In an endeavour to provide a comprehensive insight into the Airbnb rental landscape across major European cities, we have conducted a detailed analysis leveraging a rich dataset of Airbnb listings.

Our analysis spans the major European cities that travellers visit with the data set consisting of cities such as Rome, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna, Lisbon, Budapest and Athens. This data offers a glimpse into the pricing strategies and guest satisfaction levels prevalent in these popular destinations and allows us to compare them to Rome Airbnb prices.


To create these graphs we utilised an extensive dataset that encompasses a plethora of attributes such as room types, cleanliness ratings, Super host status, Airbnb price, location and more. We grouped the data from weekend and weekday listings, and facilitated a nuanced analysis, allowing us to discern patterns and trends with greater accuracy.

Visual Insights

A bar plot illustrating the average price of Airbnb listings in different cities was created. Notably, Rome, highlighted in dark green, stands out in the analysis, offering a point of interest for further exploration.


This analysis serves as a valuable resource for individuals and businesses seeking insights into the Airbnb market dynamics in major European cities and the comparisons with Rome. By leveraging the data presented, users can delve deeper into market trends, making informed decisions and strategies in the Airbnb domain.

Furthermore, people considering travelling to major European destinations and in particular Rome now have a good understanding of how expensive it is to stay in Rome in regards to Airbnb prices. This data can be used to help you decipher whether you should plan a trip to Rome or not.

Where is the cheapest area to stay in Rome?

Cost by type of room in Rome

Where to stay in Rome?

The cheapest area to stay in Rome for tourists is on the eastern outskirts of Rome. The cheapest neighbourhoods in Rome for tourists include areas such as Prenestino-Labicano, Tuscolano, Quadraro, Centocelle, Torre Maura, Torre Angela, Torre Gaia, Torre Sapienza, Torre Spaccata and Giardinetti. The average cost of accommodation per night for tourists in the eastern outskirts of Rome is £125.

The most expensive area to stay in Rome for tourists is the northern outskirts costing £250 per night on average. The most expensive neighbourhoods to stay in, include Flaminio, Parioli, Prati, Nomentano, Tiburtina, Montesacro, Talenti and Prima Porta.

The best value for money when looking for accommodation in Rome is central Rome costing on average £175 per night. The cheapest areas to stay in central Rome include neighbourhoods such as Trevi, Monti, Colonna, Pantheon, Navona, Campo de’ Fiori, Trastevere, Testaccio, Esquilino, Quirinale, Celio, and Aventino.


Our recent analysis of Airbnb listings in Rome offers a comprehensive insight into the average accommodation prices in different areas of the city. Using data points such as price and location (latitude and longitude), we have mapped out the price distribution across Rome, providing potential travellers with a guide to choosing their ideal stay based on their budget and preferences.

Key Findings

Price Distribution Across Rome:

Central Rome: The central parts of Rome, particularly areas such as Testaccio, Trastevere, Rione XIII Trastevere, Rione XIX Celio, Rione XII Ripa, Aventino, are home to a mixture of price ranges, offering options for various budgets.

Outskirts of Rome: The outskirts of Rome, notably the northern, southern, eastern, and western fringes, generally offer more budget-friendly options compared to the central areas.

Most and Least Expensive Areas:

The central areas of Rome tend to house more high-priced listings, making them the more expensive regions for Airbnb accommodations.

The outskirts of Rome, particularly the southern and northern regions, have a higher concentration of budget-friendly listings, making them more affordable options for travellers.

Visual Insights

We have developed interactive maps and bar charts to visually represent the price distribution across Rome. These tools can assist travellers in making informed decisions regarding their stay in Rome. The interactive maps provide a geographical representation of listing prices, while the bar charts offer a comparative view of average prices in different regions of Rome.

Whether you’re looking for luxury accommodations in the heart of Rome or budget-friendly options in the outskirts, our analysis provides a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision. With a variety of options available, Rome offers something for every traveller, promising a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

3 best places to stay in Rome (affordable & luxury locations)

As the statistics prove, Rome is a fairly affordable city when it comes to accommodation compared to other major European cities. On top of that, the centre of Rome is fairly priced and in my opinion, is the best area in Rome to stay as a tourist.

As part of this Rome travel guide, we will provide you with three of the best areas to stay in Rome in terms of location, value for money and quality of accommodation. These areas offer a great selection of top-quality apartments, Airbnbs and hotels that you can pick from for your stay in Rome.

1. Pantheon / Piazza Navona / Campo de Fiori Area

piazza navona

Nestled right in the heart of Rome’s historic centre, staying in the vicinity of the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and Campo de’ Fiori is a dream come true for first-time visitors to Rome. This region, steeped in antiquity, offers a rich and vibrant blend of history, architecture, and culture that makes it an unbeatable spot for accommodation.

Nearby Attractions:

The Pantheon, a marvel of ancient Roman engineering that has stood resolutely for two millennia, forms the epicentre of this remarkable district. A stroll away lies the magnificent Piazza Navona, a pulsating hub of artistry and Roman daily life, characterised by its stunning fountains and oblong shape which echoes the ancient stadium that once stood there. A stone’s throw away is the bustling Campo de’ Fiori, renowned for its vibrant market and culinary delights.

A key advantage of securing accommodation in this area is the ease with which one can explore the Eternal City on foot. The Colosseum, St. Peter’s Square, and the mesmerising Trevi Fountain are all within a leisurely 20-minute walk, allowing tourists to immerse themselves fully in the grandeur and historical charm of Rome without the hassle of navigating public transport.

Gastronomy enthusiasts will be spoilt for choice with a plethora of dining options available. The area around the Pantheon boasts some of the best eateries in the city, offering a culinary journey that ranges from classic gelato bars like Giolitti to delectable pasta at restaurants such as Roscioli.

Why you should stay there:

Whether you are an artist seeking inspiration or a history buff eager to tread the paths once walked by Roman emperors, this area provides an unparalleled base for exploring Rome. Hotels and accommodations in this vicinity cater to a range of budgets, offering both luxury and affordability.

In conclusion, for an unforgettable Roman sojourn that blends history, art, and culinary excellence, choosing accommodation in the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, or Campo de’ Fiori area is a discerning choice. Best suited for first-time visitors, this area allows tourists to fully absorb the captivating allure of one of the greatest cities on Earth, promising an experience that is both enriching and thoroughly delightful.

2. Trastevere Area


In the mystical embrace of the Eternal City lies Trastevere, a quintessential Roman neighbourhood that seems to have effortlessly retained its age-old charm and grace. Picture cobblestone streets lined with vines-draped buildings, shuttered houses guarding tales of yesteryears, and quaint piazzas that echo with laughter and camaraderie. Located on the tranquil west bank of the Tiber River, Trastevere warmly welcomes visitors with its distinctive blend of tradition and bohemian allure.

Nearby Attractions:

While not in the direct centre of Rome, its strategic location offers the best of both worlds: serene corners to retreat and close proximity to the historic centre, reachable within a 30-minute walk. The convenient metro service further ensures easy access to landmarks such as the Colosseum and the vibrant Monti district. Accommodation here leans more towards a plethora of cosy Airbnbs, catering predominantly to budget and mid-range travellers, offering a more authentic Roman stay compared to the bustling tourist centres around the Trevi Fountain or Spanish Steps.

Trastevere is particularly a haven for romantics and foodies, beckoning with an array of gastronomic delights that range from the heavenly pizzas at the famed Dar Poeta to the heartwarming traditional dishes served at trattoria Da Enzo al 29. As the sun kisses the day goodbye, the banks of the Tiber come alive with a line of food stalls that tantalise with their offerings.

At the neighbourhood’s core lies the vibrant Piazza Santa Maria, a lively square adorned with the historic church of the same name and a picturesque fountain, serving as the meeting heart for the locals, the trasteverini. The area radiates an inviting energy, with its narrow, character-filled streets that tell stories of centuries gone by and establishments that offer a slice of the vibrant local culture. By night, the square transforms into Rome’s entertainment epicentre, with an array of bars and restaurants offering a front-row seat to the pulsating heart of Roman nightlife.

Why you should stay there:

The true charm of Trastevere lies in its quieter corners, like the alleys enveloping the Basilica of Santa Cecilia, where time seems to slow down, offering peaceful respite amidst the touristy hustle and bustle. Here, one can truly absorb the authentic Roman spirit, unmarred by the waves of gentrification sweeping through other parts of the area.

For those seeking a firsthand experience of Rome’s historic magnificence and cultural richness, a stay in Trastevere promises not just a visit, but a journey back in time. Be it a solitary traveller seeking inspiration or a first-time visitor eager to soak in Rome’s splendours, Trastevere stands as an unbeatable choice, promising a visit replete with picturesque vistas, culinary delights, and a vibrant local flavour that resonates with the very essence of Rome.

3. Colosseum / Monti Area

monti area rome

In the vivacious heart of the Eternal City lies the Colosseum/Monti area, a fusion of Rome’s splendid antiquity and modern bohemian vibrancy. Just imagine beginning your day with the majestic sight of the Colosseum gracing your window view, a promise of adventure and wonder right at your doorstep. Nestled southeast of the historic centre, Monti unfolds as a blossoming neighbourhood, marrying its rich, ancient roots with an invigorating touch of bohemian flair, evident in its plethora of hip shops, cafes, and charming cobbled streets and alleys.

Nearby Attractions:

Undoubtedly, the centrepiece of this area is the monumental Colosseum, a living testament to Rome’s grandeur and historic might. Alongside, the Roman Forum stands as a vivid canvas narrating tales of a civilization steeped in glory and innovation. Venturing into the streets of Monti, you’ll find yourself amidst an intriguing blend of the old and the new, where historic landmarks coexist harmoniously with cool restaurants and independent boutiques. The neighbourhood, once a humble dwelling place, has transformed into a vibrant haven attracting artists, musicians, and now, travellers seeking an authentic Roman experience.

What makes this neighbourhood particularly appealing, especially for lovers of ancient history and aficionados of bohemian culture, is its strategic location. Not only are most of Rome’s quintessential sights within walking distance, but the area also provides seamless connectivity to the rest of the city, thanks to the conveniently located Cavour and Colosseo Metro stations. Even a delightful dinner experience in Trastevere is just a few stops away, offering you a well-rounded Roman escapade.

When it comes to gastronomic delights, the area doesn’t disappoint. Whether you are a modern cuisine enthusiast eager to explore vegetarian and vegan options at places like Aromaticus or a traditionalist yearning for a classic carbonara at La Taverna dei Fori Imperiali, the Monti neighbourhood has something to cater to every palate. For a dining experience that combines culinary excellence with breathtaking views of the Colosseum, a visit to Aroma at Palazzo Manfredi is highly recommended.

Moreover, the Monti area harbours a pulsating evening ambience, particularly vibrant in its iconic square, Piazza della Madonna dei Monti, offering a splendid nightlife filled with zest and camaraderie. For those planning an extended stay, the neighbourhood houses a spectrum of accommodation options, ranging from grandiose five-star establishments to chic boutique hotels and family-friendly stays, all promising an unforgettable Roman retreat without burning a hole in your pocket.

Why you should stay there:

In summary, a stay in the Colosseum/Monti area promises not just a visit but a transcendental journey through time, where history meets modernity, offering an experience that is both enriching and utterly captivating. Ideal for lovers of ancient history and those keen on exploring a bohemian facet of Rome, this area stands as a beacon of Rome’s undying charm and vibrant spirit.

Where will you stay in Rome?

These three locations are not only some of the most affordable areas to stay in central Rome but also have some of the best locations in Rome. Nestled in between incredible bars and restaurants and within a minute’s walk of world-famous landmarks and metro stations, if you want to make your life as easy and enjoyable as possible, book your accommodation in one of these three neighbourhoods in Rome.

Not to mention there is nothing better than taking a stroll back at night walking through the scenic streets past ancient history and incredible architecture all around you. Staying in one of these three locations, it allows you to really stop and take in Rome for the amazing and beautiful city it is.

Restaurant & Bar Meal Prices

restaurant prices in rome for two people

How much does a meal cost in Rome?

For two people eating dinner in a restaurant in Rome, the average cost of a meal will be 70. This includes two main courses and a bottle of wine in the meal.

The cheapest meal for two people at dinner in a restaurant in Rome will cost you around 40.


Dining Options for Different Budgets: The data portrays a wide range of dining options catering to different budgets. While a budget lunch for two people is available in the range of 20€ to 35€, a more luxurious dining experience for dinner can go up to 150€ in Rome.

Affordable Quick Bites: For those looking for a quick and affordable bite, options like ‘Pizza to go’ are quite budget-friendly, priced between 3€ and 4€ for a slice.

Moderate Priced Meals: Meals like ‘Pizza with Juice’ and ‘Pasta with Juice’ offer a more complete meal experience at a moderate price range of 12-20€ and 14-18€ respectively. These options can be a good choice for travellers who want to enjoy a nice meal without spending too much.


For a traveller visiting Rome, the city offers a diverse range of dining experiences. Depending on your budget, you can opt for a budget lunch or a more lavish dinner. If you are looking to save on meals, options like ‘Pizza to Go’ are an excellent choice, allowing you to enjoy the taste of Rome without burning a hole in your pocket.

Moreover, moderately priced meals like ‘Pizza with Juice’ and ‘Pasta with Juice’ provide a balanced dining option, offering good value for money. Hence, whether you are a budget traveller or looking to splurge a little, Rome has dining options to cater to all budgets, making it a gastronomic paradise for every traveller.

Therefore, travellers can plan their dining budget accordingly and enjoy the range of culinary experiences that Rome has to offer. It’s recommended to allocate a flexible budget for dining, as the city offers a rich and varied culinary scene, ranging from affordable bites to luxurious dining experiences.

5 best restaurants in Rome

As someone who has visited Rome a handful of times, the thing that keeps driving me back is the incredible food which is on offer. On every street within the centre of Rome you will find incredible options and although it is harder to make a bad choice than actually choosing a good restaurant in Rome, here are five of the best restaurants we have visited in the city that you need to try out on your next visit.

1. La Canonica

La Cannonica in Rome

La Canonica is one of my favourite restaurants in Rome, when visiting you need to try their pasta dishes they are simply incredible. Make sure to visit in the evening for some insane outdoor seating in Trastevere surrounded by beautiful lighting. It is arguably my favourite restaurant in Rome and their food alone will make you want to return back to Rome!

2. Osteria Da Fortunata

Osteria Da Fortunata is a unique restaurant in the centre of Rome that offers an old-school, authentic Italian feel. All the pasta dishes are homemade with the staff even rolling and creating fresh pasta on a table next to you whilst you eat. You need to try the Carbonara when visiting Osteria Da Fortunata.

3. Antica Osteria

Antica Osteria has one of the best cacio e pepe’s I have ever tasted. That fact alone should be enough to send you to this restaurant. The food will send your taste buds into a frenzy and I 100% recommend visiting when you go to Rome.

4. Tonarello

Tonarello in Rome

Tonarello is a famous restaurant in Rome known for its incredible pasta dishes and cosy atmosphere with the restaurant located in Trastevere. If you want some hearty Italian pasta visit Tonarello, it will not disappoint.

5. Maruccia

For some of the best pizzas in Rome, visit Maruccia. This place did not disappoint and if you are a pizza lover looking for the best pizza in Rome, visit Maruccia.

Grocery Prices in Rome

How much are grocery prices in Rome?

If you are looking to stay in and cut costs in Rome whilst travelling, we have also identified some of the costs of popular grocery items in Rome.

Most Expensive Items:

Beef Round (1 kg) is the most expensive food item priced at 14€.

Shampoo (350 ml) is the most expensive non-food item, with a maximum price of 25€.

Cheapest Items:

Onion (1 kg) and Mineral Water (1.5L) are among the cheapest items, with a price of 1€.

Lettuce (1 head) can also be quite cheap, with a minimum price of 0.50€.

Data Collection:

We gathered data on the prices of various food and drink items in Rome from sources such as This data includes a range of prices for common items such as bread, fruits, meats, and beverages.

Data Visualization:

Using the collected data, we created a bar chart to visually represent the minimum and maximum prices of each item. This visualisation helps in easily identifying the most and least expensive items in this category.

Data Analysis:

We analysed the data to identify the most expensive and cheapest items in this category. This analysis assists tourists and locals alike in budgeting their grocery expenses effectively.

Insights and Recommendations:

Based on the analysis, we provided insights into the price trends and suggested potential choices for budget-friendly shopping in Rome.

Transport Prices in Rome

transport prices in rome

How much does transport cost in Rome?

The prices of transport costs in Rome vary depending on the method of transport and the places you want to visit. Here are some of our findings:

Most Expensive Items:

Renting a car for 3 days can be quite expensive, with prices going up to 90€.

Taking a taxi from the airport (Fiumicino) can cost between 35-48€, which is also on the higher end of the price spectrum.

Cheapest Items:

A one-way bus ticket is quite affordable at 1.50€.

Renting a bike for 24 hours is also relatively cheap, with prices starting from 12€.

Data Collection:

We collected data on various transport options available in Rome and their respective prices from

Data Visualization:

A bar chart was created to visualise the price range of different transport options, helping tourists and locals to easily comprehend the transport cost structure in Rome.

Data Analysis:

We conducted an analysis to identify the most and least expensive transport options in Rome. This analysis can help tourists plan their transportation budget effectively.

Insights and Recommendations:

Insights were provided into the affordable and expensive transport options available in Rome, with suggestions for economical transportation choices.

Attraction & Museum Prices in Rome

How much do attractions and museums cost in Rome?

If you are looking to visit attractions such as the Colosseum and Vatican City it is important to consider the costs so you know how much you will need to account for as a traveller in Rome.

Here are some of our findings on the most expensive and most affordable attractions and museums in Rome.

Most Expensive Attraction:

The “Museo di Roma/Palazzo Braschi” stands as the most expensive attraction with an entry fee of 17€. It seems to be a premium destination for tourists and art enthusiasts who are willing to explore the rich history and art collections housed in the museum.

Least Expensive Attraction:

The “Musei di Villa Torlonia” offers the most budget-friendly experience with a minimum price of 4€, making it accessible to a wider audience. It could be a great option for tourists looking to explore Roman attractions without straining their budget.

Popular Attractions with Moderate Pricing:

Some of the globally renowned attractions like the “Colosseum” and the “Vatican Museum” have a pricing of 16€, which seems to be a moderate price range considering their historical significance and the unique experiences they offer.

Average Pricing:

Most of the attractions and museums have an entry fee in the range of 5€ to 17€. This suggests that Rome offers a diverse range of attractions catering to different budget preferences, from affordable options like the “Pantheon” (5€) to premium choices like “Museo di Roma/Palazzo Braschi” (17€).

Options for Art Enthusiasts:

For art enthusiasts, there are several options like the “Borghese Museum and Gallery” and “Gallery Spada” priced at 11€ and 6€ respectively, offering an insight into Roman art and culture without being overly expensive.

Data Collection:

We collected data on various attractions and museums available in Rome and their respective entry prices from This data serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the costs associated with visiting these popular sites.

Data Visualization:

A bar chart was created to visualise the maximum entry prices of different attractions and museums in Rome, aiding both tourists and locals in easily grasping the cost structure associated with these popular sites. The chart serves as a quick reference to compare the prices at a glance.

Data Analysis:

We conducted an analysis to identify the most expensive and the least expensive attractions and museums in Rome. This analysis not only helps tourists to plan their budget effectively but also allows locals to explore the historical and cultural sites in their city within their budget constraints.

Insights and Recommendations:

nsights were provided into the various price ranges of attractions and museums in Rome, allowing individuals to choose sites that align with their budget. Recommendations are given for making the most of a trip to Rome, including options for those looking to enjoy premium experiences and those seeking budget-friendly alternatives.

This methodology aims to help visitors in Rome to effectively plan their visits to various attractions and museums, optimising their budget and enhancing their overall experience in the city.


Now that you have reached the end of this ultimate guide to Rome, hopefully, you have learnt a few new tips and tricks that you can now take and use to plan for your entire trip to Rome. From the statistics and research compiled to little insider tips from someone who has visited Rome a handful of times, it is fair to say it is a city that you will never want to leave. I hope this travel guide to Rome provides you with all the most useful information and has helped reduce the amount of research you need to do before booking a place to stay, planning your budget and jetting off to Italy in search of some of the grandest and incredible ancient monuments and artwork still standing till this day!

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Picture of Luke Iles

Luke Iles

Luke is a leading travel writer within the travel niche and is also a co-founder of HandL Blogs one of the UK’s leading travel blogging websites. Luke has a love of all things travel.

Initially becoming friends with his other co-founder, Harry, at the age of four years old, they let their love for travel evolve, making it their mission to visit every country in the world!

Today they want to share their passion and experiences of travelling across the globe with written blogs on topics that are most important to them. From travel, cooking, fitness and tech blogs!

Whether that be trying new food in a new country and sharing it in a cooking blog; visiting a new gym in a certain city and reviewing it in a fitness blog or learning about the newest tech within the travel industry.

Read Luke's Story

 Disclosure: Some links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to HandL Blogs at no cost to you if you decide to purchase through these links. These are products we have personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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