Essential Travel Tips For First-Time Backpackers! [All Weather Conditions Covered!]

Harry Jeffery – Uploaded: 24.05.2023

essential travel tips across countries

Your first time traveling can be scary...

We all know the first time saying goodbye to your home country and heading off on your travels can be scary, so we are here to help with that!

Our essential travel tips are intended to help those who are less experienced backpackers, who may be limited with money and aren’t exactly looking to buy lots throughout in order to make their journey easier, but instead prioritise the number of places they visit, rather than booking out nice hotels and transport for example…

It can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when on a new continent for the first time, as new laws apply, and different cultures and rules that go along with them which you may want to be made aware of, prior to international travel…

exploring different cultures travel abroad

Our best essential travel tips for first-time travelers:

  1. Don’t be afraid to pack light
  2. Become at one with the area you are visiting
  3. Be prepared for an emergency
  4. Plan your trip well in advance
  5. Choose the right travel equipment (backpack etc)
injured during non essential travel (1)

Some tips that didn't quite make the top 5 are as followed:

Consider the weather before travel, as unless you intend to leisure travel, it can make your trip lesser if it’s pouring down in rain.

Stay at a hostel, think about it, the cheap price allows you to use funds elsewhere. Another major selling point is that you can connect with fellow travelers from the whole world.

1. Don't be afraid to pack light!

Often, travelers will have the perception that packing heavy & including all of the items they feel needed for essential travel, isn’t actually needed.

pack light when on business travel

We must remember that most places that attract tourists worldwide, often have shops to provide you with all your needs, from backpacks to comfortable hiking shoes, or sunglasses…

You must also remember that after a long time on your travels, a much heavier load to carry around is going to take a massive toll on your body, especially your back. Which will eventually contribute to the downfall/discomfort of your travels.

Things you should consider as essential in your backpack:

  • Toiletries
  • Protein-heavy snacks
  • travel documents
  • electronics (portable charger)
  • currency (in a padlocked pocket)
  • A torch
  • Zip-lock bags (protects electronics against sand & dirt)

2. Become at one with the area you are visiting

One way to make your life ten times easier, and more enjoyable when traveling across your destination, is by becoming immersed in its culture. Whether it’s in Mexico celebrating the Day of the Dead, or even in Thailand making the most of Songkran!

songkran non essential travel

Partaking in events like these can bring so much more joy to you than the usual trip would, as you are experiencing culture found in only one place in the world, where you happen to be!

It also gives you the chance to get to know the locals of the countries you are located in and their stories. Who knows, they may even give you advice and recommendations.

Another main prospect of this tip isn’t just to do with culture. You should try your best to reach out of your comfort zone and befriend other travelers.

To identify events like this, try to research your destination ahead of time so you can find when these events may be happening so you can plan accordingly.

3. Be prepared for an emergency

It always pays to be prepared for emergencies, especially when you are traveling in an unknown country and may be traveling solo…

Holiday Emergency in travel plans

Always unexpected, but rarely planned for, emergencies abroad are always a lot harder to deal with compared to in your home nation. Mainly due to the fact you may not speak the language, know how their healthcare system works, as well as having limited access to funds.

There are multiple apps and government websites which can inform you on how to deal with these situations, along with some pre-journey research, and bingo, you should be more than covered!

Our guide on how to plan a travel budget for your next travel adventure, details the core elements on the reasons for setting an emergency budget fund so you can be sure you have peace of mind if the worst was to arise. 

4. Plan your trip well in advance

Some essential reasons for planning your trip in advance include avoiding potentially fatal events such as strikes and weather warnings as many businesses may be shut during this time, making it really hard to make the most of the area.

essential travel tips planning ahead

Planning ahead can also ensure that the travel route you are taking is already established and allows you to have a stressless journey.

It also lets you enjoy the best aspects of the surrounding location you are at, as you can plan day trips to local landmarks, experiences found at only this place and more…

This should definitely include aspects of travel you may not be familiar with as a first time traveler, such as travel restrictions, essential travel insurance, country entry requirements and area travel warnings…

Create a travel itinerary for your trip and plan out all the key things you want to do and see. If you don’t want to plan your itinerary yourself, you can use free AI tools to create your travel itinerary to help you speed up the process and get your trip started the right way!


5. Choose the right travel equipment:

Equipment can really make or break your trip, depending on the brand, size, amount of storage and comfort.

essential travel equipment companies

Your equipment staples should include Hiking boots, a suitable backpack, lightweight clothing (especially when in hotter regions) and a selection of handy tools such as perhaps a Swiss army knife, a torch and zip lock bags.

The main aspect you should look into regarding your rucksack is definitely compartment space over the size of the overall backpack. The reasonable excuse for this is that you are prioritising compartment space over larger spaces, allowing you to secure your electronic goods and keeping them separate from sweaty, clothing you may be storing…

A great selection of Backpacks for travel can be found at mountain warehouse, for example.

Concluding points:

So, these essential travel tips are here to help you on your potential first-time traveling/backpacking!

Now you have these travel tips, why not learn how to plan the best holiday of your lifetime, with our 9 essential steps to plan a holiday so you can be fully prepared for your big holiday trip!

Here at HandL Blogs, our team of well-seasoned travel blog writers, are here to provide you with all the advice, recommendations and food suggestions you will ever need on your expeditions.

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Picture of Harry Jeffery

Harry Jeffery

Harry is a leading travel writer within the travel niche and is also a co-founder of HandL Blogs, one of the UK’s leading travel blogging websites. Harry has a love of all things travel and wants to share his experiences so you can travel the globe right alongside him.

Initially becoming friends with his other co-founder, Luke, at the age of four years old, they let their love for travel evolve, making it their mission to visit every country in the world!

Today they want to share their passion and experiences of travelling across the globe with written blogs on topics that are most important to them. From travel, cooking, fitness and tech blogs!

Whether that be trying new food in a new country and sharing it in a cooking blog; visiting a new gym in a certain city and reviewing it in a fitness blog or learning about the newest tech within the travel industry.

Read Harry's Story

 Disclosure: Some links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to HandL Blogs at no cost to you if you decide to purchase through these links. These are products we have personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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