Worst Times To Visit Barbados [When You Should Plan To Visit]

Luke Iles – Uploaded 21.09.2023

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worst times to visit barbados

When is the worst time to visit Barbados?

The worst time to visit Barbados is during the hurricane season which runs from August to November when there are heavy amounts of rainfall of up to 216mm and humidity of up to 82%. Temperatures can also be at their highest reaching 30.9°C creating a climate that is rainy, muggy and hot!

I would recommend visiting Barbados during the dry season which runs from January to May including high temperatures of around 29.1°C – 30.7°C. There is minimal rainfall ranging from 42mm to 62mm and sunshine lasts for 8 – 9 hours per day. Humidity is also at its lowest at levels of 75% making it a comfortable and enjoyable heat to sunbathe and relax whilst avoiding the rain!

There is nothing worse than planning your holiday to a warm, tropical country to be met with heavy downpours and a sticky, warm climate. Planning is essential when looking to visit Barbados and therefore we have created a guide on the best and worst times to visit so that you can make sure you book the right season for your next vacation to the Caribbean.

Throughout this article, we will discuss the best and worst times to visit Barbados considering factual statistics and local advice offering the ultimate guide to booking your next holiday in Barbados.

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colourful houses in barbados

The Best Times to Visit Barbados

The most popular times that people plan to visit Barbados is during the peak season which ranges from December to May. This is a time when rain is minimal, humidity is low and temperatures are around 29.1°C – 30.7°C.

In my opinion, the best time to visit Barbados is during the dry season in February and March and the worst time to visit Barbados is in September and October in the rainy season.

Best and Worst Times to Visit for Weather

barbados blue sea

As Barbados is a Caribbean island it experiences two main seasons; the dry season and the rainy season. There are positive and negative factors to choosing either season to visit which include the price, activities and overall enjoyability of the holiday.

The Dry Season

barbados palm tree beach

The dry season in Barbados is the best time to visit. As a country that experiences steady warm temperatures all year round, the difference in seasons comes in the amount of rainfall in which the country experiences.

Therefore by choosing to visit Barbados in the dry season, you will experience minimal rainfall and still be able to enjoy soaring temperatures of around 29.1°C – 30.7°C.

The dry season in Barbados runs from December to May with rainfall being lowest in February with a maximum average of 42mm in a month. Hurricanes are nothing to even consider when visiting during this time period so do not be put off if that is your worry.

The dry season is the most popular time to plan to visit Barbados with December, January, February and March standing out as the peak months. While December and January attract tourists fleeing the cold of northern winters, March becomes a hotspot for families capitalizing on spring break.

Notably, although these months see the highest influx of visitors, January and February might feel slightly chilly for water activities, while March to May brings warmer climes both on land and in the sea. December is typically the busiest month for tourism in Barbados seeing up to 53,000 tourists arrive during that period.

The dry season is also the peak season for Barbados meaning flights, accommodation and activities will be at an all-time high compared to the rainy season however I believe the dry season is the best time to visit.

The Rainy season

hurricane on beach in barbados

In my opinion, the worst time to visit Barbados is during the rainy season. From August to November each year, Barbados experiences what is known as hurricane season. This season is known for high temperatures and considerable amounts of rainfall, making it the worst time to visit Barbados for a holiday.

Although the average high temperature can rise to almost 30.9°C in these months, it leads to an uncomfortable climate with constant rainfall and high humidity. This makes the climate during hurricane season, feel very sticky and wet and is not a nice weather condition for those unused to this weather.

The humidity during this time period is at an all-time high with humidity peaking at 82% in October and November. Furthermore, October sees the highest amount of rainfall in a month with over 218mm.

Although visitors to Barbados during the rainy season may get lucky with good weather due to the unpredictable climate. You should consider that Barbados is also in its low season meaning that not many activities or tourist attractions will be open compared to the peak season.

That being said, planning your trip to Barbados during the off-season offers more deals, cheaper flights and hotel prices helping you to get a budget holiday despite the powerful hurricanes and constant downpours.

Average Daily Maximum Temperature in Barbados (°C)

average daily max temperature in barbados

What is the hottest month in Barbados?

The hottest month in Barbados is August and September where temperatures reach up to 30.9°C most days in the month.


The graph illustrates the variation in the average daily maximum temperature in Barbados throughout the year. Visitors can enjoy warm temperatures all year round, making it a perfect destination for sun-seekers.

Statistic Breakdown:

  • Winter (Jan – Feb): The year starts with pleasant temperatures around 29.1°C – 29.2°C.

  • Spring (Mar – May): A gradual increase is observed, reaching up to 30.7°C by May.

  • Summer (Jun – Aug): The temperature remains fairly stable, hovering around 30.7°C – 30.9°C.

  • Autumn (Sep – Nov): A slight dip is noted during this period, with temperatures around 30.9°C – 30.3°C.

  • December: The year ends with a cooler 29.6°C.

Best Month:

March: With an average maximum temperature of 29.7°C, March offers a warm yet not excessively hot climate, making it a comfortable month for outdoor activities and one of the best times to visit Barbados.

Worst Month:

August: Being one of the hottest months with an average maximum temperature of 30.9°C, August might feel a bit too warm, especially for tourists not accustomed to tropical temperatures. Paired with the high amount of rainfall, August is one of the worst times to visit Barbados.

Average Relative Humidity in Barbados (%)

average relative humidity in barbados

How humid is Barbados?

Humidity reaches up to 82% in October and November in Barbados with the lowest relative humidity being 7% less in March with a 75% humidity rate. This makes visiting in October and November one of the worst times to visit Barbados specifically when considering the high amount of rainfall experienced in these months too.


This graph depicts the monthly average relative humidity in Barbados. Despite slight fluctuations, the humidity remains relatively high throughout the year, providing a tropical environment for visitors.

Statistic Breakdown:

  • Winter (Jan – Feb): Starts with a lower humidity level of 76-77%.

  • Spring (Mar – May): A slight decrease is noted with levels around 75-77%.

  • Summer (Jun – Aug): Humidity increases to reach its peak at 81% in July and August.

  • Autumn (Sep – Nov): Maintains high levels of humidity, around 81-82%.

  • December: Ends the year with a bit of relief at 79% humidity.

Best Month:

March: March experiences the lowest humidity levels (75%) throughout the year, offering a relatively less humid environment for visitors.

Worst Month:

October: With the highest average relative humidity (82%), October can feel quite muggy, which might not be comfortable for everyone.

Average Rainfall in Barbados (mm)

average rainfall in barbados

What is the rainiest month in Barbados?

The rainiest month in Barbados is October which experiences over 216mm of rain in the month making it one of the worst times to visit Barbados. February experiences the lowest amount of rainfall with levels as low as 42mm meaning if you are looking for a rain-free trip visit during that time period.


The graph showcases the monthly average rainfall in Barbados, highlighting the distinct wet and dry seasons. While the wet season brings significant rainfall, it is often followed by bright sunshine.

Statistic Breakdown:

  • Dry Season (Jan – Apr): The year begins with a dry season, with rainfall ranging from 42mm to 62mm.

  • Transition to Wet Season (May – Jun): A notable increase in rainfall, reaching up to 119mm in June.

  • Wet Season (Jul – Nov): The wet season peaks in October with 216mm of rainfall.

  • Transition to Dry Season (Dec): Ends with a decrease to 112mm of rainfall in December.

Best Month:

February: February is the driest month with only 42mm of average rainfall, making it a great time for outdoor activities without the worry of rain.

Worst Month:

October: With an average rainfall of 216mm, October is the wettest month, which might hinder outdoor plans due to frequent rain showers.

Average Wind Speed in Barbados (mph)

average wind speed in barbados

What is the most windiest month in Barbados?

The windiest month in Barbados is June with wind speeds reaching up to 13.5 mph. The least windy month is September with wind speeds of only 8mph.


The graph demonstrates the monthly variations in wind speed in Barbados. The island experiences a gentle breeze throughout the year, with slightly stronger winds during the early summer months.

Statistic Breakdown:

  • Winter (Jan – Feb): The year starts with wind speeds of about 11.8 – 12.4 mph.

  • Spring (Mar – May): Consistent wind speeds around 11.8 – 12.1 mph.

  • Summer (Jun – Jul): A slight increase is noted with winds reaching up to 13.5 mph in June.

  • Late Summer and Autumn (Aug – Oct): Winds gradually decrease to around 8.8 – 9.7 mph.

  • Late Autumn and Winter (Nov – Dec): Ends with a moderate wind speed of about 10.2 – 11.3 mph.

Best Month:

June: June experiences the highest wind speeds (13.5 mph), which can be quite refreshing, especially during the warmer months.

Worst Month:

September: September experiences the lowest wind speeds (8.8 mph), which might make the warm and humid climate feel a bit stifling, especially during the daytime.

Methodology and Data Collection


The data presented in the graphs is based on historical weather data for Barbados. The variables graphed, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, sunshine hours, and wind speed, are averages calculated over several years. This approach helps to provide a reliable estimate of the typical weather conditions one can expect in Barbados during different times of the year.

Data Collection

The data collection process involved gathering historical weather data from reliable meteorological sources. These sources compile data from weather stations situated in and around Barbados. The data points represent monthly averages, which are calculated from daily observations over many years. This long-term data helps in painting a realistic picture of the climate in Barbados, allowing for more accurate planning and expectations for visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hurricane season in Barbados?

Hurricane season in Barbados is from July to November and consists of brief, heavy rain showers with spells of sunshine during the day. Rainfall can reach up to 218mm in a month during hurricane season with humidity levels being almost 82%. The risk of a hurricane is very small however as they usually pass through the North.

Why Is Barbados Hurricane Season The Worst Time To Visit?

Hurricane season is the worst time to visit Barbados because this is the time of the year when heavy rainfall is recorded. Furthermore, it is the low season meaning the island will be less busy and various tourist attractions will not be open.

What months to avoid Barbados?

The months you should avoid when travelling to Barbados are anytime between August to November during the rainy season.

What is the driest month in Barbados?

The driest months in Barbados are February (42mm of rainfall), March (44mm of rainfall) and April (55mm of rainfall).

What are good months to visit Barbados?

The best months to visit Barbados if you are planning a holiday are between mid-December and mid-April. This is during the dry seasons when you will experience minimal rainfall and temperatures around 29 – 30 degrees Celcius.

barbados hurricane


Overall you should now have a clear understanding of the best and worst times to visit Barbados so you can start to consider weighing up your different options on when you decide to visit. The best time to visit is between December and May when there is minimal rainfall and the island is in peak tourist season with everything open. The worst time to visit is during rainy season when not much is open and rain fall is high. I would advise against travelling to Barbados from August to November time as although it will be cheaper you will not get the optimal expierence compared to visiting in the dry season. I recommend doing your own research and considering the options before planning to travel.

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Picture of Luke Iles

Luke Iles

Luke is a leading travel writer within the travel niche and is also a co-founder of HandL Blogs one of the UK’s leading travel blogging websites. Luke has a love of all things travel.

Initially becoming friends with his other co-founder, Harry, at the age of four years old, they let their love for travel evolve, making it their mission to visit every country in the world!

Today they want to share their passion and experiences of travelling across the globe with written blogs on topics that are most important to them. From travel, cooking, fitness and tech blogs!

Whether that be trying new food in a new country and sharing it in a cooking blog; visiting a new gym in a certain city and reviewing it in a fitness blog or learning about the newest tech within the travel industry.

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